SMOOTHING FACE CREAM By LMLonghairs® Herbal & Homeopathic
SMOOTHING FACE CREAM By LMLonghairs® Herbal & Homeopathic
SKU: 1611-F
See how young Ms Longhairs looks? She share with you her Anti-Wrinkle Cream, mmmm so natural, yet so effective that a little goes a long way. Smoothing Face Cream by LMLonghairs® Hypoallergenic organic
Smoothing Face Cream, a very rich cream for face under eyes, and neck...and other fragile skin. Smoothing Face cream she's made for moisturizing and reducing fine lines. Apply on wet or dry skin, great for traveling on dry plane cabin air, use as needed, but sparingly.
LMLonghairs Smoothing Face Cream a favorite of both men and ladies psst she STILL looks 27!
LMLonghairs Smoothing Homeopathic Face Cream contains uses a secret proprietary recipe complex of 6 unique herbs in ultra-fine oils in a neutral unscented hypoallergenic penetrating cream base. Lose those fine lines, find kissable skin!!
LMLonghairs Smoothing Homeopathic Face Cream: for face and neck... it's made for moisturizing and reducing fine lines. Apply on preferably still-wet skin, great for traveling on dry plane cabin air, use as needed, but sparingly, even with water on your hands.
LMLonghairs face cream thoroughly balances out skin problems, natural dewy finish. A happy healthy essential for any face, under eyes, or any place, for that matter :-)
how to use Smoothing Face Cream.
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1-1/2 oz Refiller Plastic (SKU: 1611-FPL) | $60.00 | |
1-1/2 oz Silver n Glass Jar (SKU: 1611-FSL) | $66.00 | |
1/4 oz Plastic (SKU: 1611-FPS) | $12.00 | |
3/4 oz Silver n Glass Jar (SKU: 1611-FSM) | $42.00 |
1 testimonial(s) for this item
"Sharon and I both thought it must just be your genetics" Hi, Louise Marie! I don't know if you'll remember me--I came in last week with our mutual friend,Sharon C**** A***, and I bought some Smoothing Face Cream from you. I'm just writing to tell you that I LOVE it! The best cream I've known up until now is Doak's Formula 405--do you know that one? It absorbs beautifully, but it's really full of chemicals. You have skin like a baby's, and Sharon and I both thought it must just be genetics--no one has skin like that unless it's some kind of inherent miracle. .....But I noticed a difference the very first day I tried your facecream. I'll never be you, but I think I'm going to be a new and very-improved me! Thank you so much, Louise Marie! It was lovely to meet, and I love what you're doing. I'll be back to see you again when this runs out. Happy trails! Geraldine |
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